#11 - Fine - "Coasting"
Everything is too fast nowadays, too stimuli-fucked sludge-content nightcore hysteria MrBeast retention-roided corecore psychoscrolling. What about some radiant lethargy? Where are the moments of contented stillness, the absent-minded daydreams, the hours that dilate and stretch out like an endless school period? I’ve spent a lot of my life running, trying to break PRs and sprint a mile in four minutes. Now I want to coast. I want to hit the top of the mountain and let gravity guide me down the crest. I want to lose myself in the leathery swirl of “Coasting.” There’s no accordion in the song, but it makes me imagine falling into a bed-size version of the instrument, sleeping between the bellows in its soft folds, drifting off while being lightly tossed to and fro.
The list: